Don’t let your 2020 budget disappear! A special offer for 2021 SmarterMaths

“We use SmarterMaths NAPLAN Online to help our students target their weaknesses, and to prepare them to effectively deal with online testing.”
Alex Krzensk, Churchie


Our super flexible payment terms can ensure none of your current year’s budget returns to consolidated revenue … and as a double bonus, you lock in 2020 pricing and receive a full extra term at no charge!

Simply place an order and tell us if you want pay for all or just some of your subscription with your remaining 2020 budget (you can also delay the full payment until 2021).

To take advantage of any funds left in your faculty war-chest in this way, simply order online at our website by clicking here or reply to this email and we’ll look after the paperwork.



  • Programs for each year of NAPLAN testing are covered and schools can register students from any year for online testing and resources.
  • A NAPLAN program contains both our super flexible Teacher Edition worksheet program for producing professional quality resources and adaptive NAPLAN Online testing for individual students.
  • Our search engine is quick … really quick. Teachers can produce differentiated worksheets in a minute using the Teacher Edition program.
  • NAPLAN Online includes adaptive testing and teacher diagnostics for individual students.
  • BOTH programs are included at the one fixed price, making SmarterMaths the most affordable and best value for money package around.


  1. Order online by clicking here. Once an order is received, your school is granted full access (expiry extension deals will be added at the time of invoicing).
  2. Simply reply to this email, stating the courses you want and when your school wants to be invoiced.

Take a closer look for free by clicking here.

Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder
ph (02) 8007 3358

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