Major Upgrade in SmarterMaths Online Program
Dear XXXX,
Firstly, we want to say a huge thank you to all teachers educating our kids in these incredible times!
With NAPLAN 2020 cancelled and a growing need for online resources, we have made numerous upgrades and adjustments to our online programs.
An incredible 35,000 students have enrolled in our NAPLAN online since it rolled out 2 years ago. While resources in this area will continue to be significantly beefed up during the year, we have added the following extra value for any new subscribers:
- Any NAPLAN subscription purchase in Term 2 will include an extra term at no cost which will take the expiry through the 2021 NAPLAN examination period.
- Home schooling resource: A significant number of subscribing schools are using our NAPLAN online program (included in any subscription) as a home schooling resource. We allow online testing access to students in any year, not just Y7 and Y9.
- A new v.3 management system was rolled out over the Term 1 holidays which offers a quantum leap in autonomous management.
- Any NAPLAN purchase includes both the Teacher Edition worksheet program and NAPLAN Online for all students at the one low fixed cost.
- HSC Minimum Standards: This program is scheduled for release in mid-Term 3. Any existing NAPLAN subscribers will receive a 50% discount on their initial subscription.
Check out the newly added features of NAPLAN online for yourself by watching this short video.