Money left in your 2022 budget? Renew SmarterMaths early

“It is definitely the most valuable resource we invest in each year.”
Andy Robinson, Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School


Thanks for subscribing in 2022.

Budget deadlines have seen a number of subscribing schools renewing their SmarterMaths subscriptions early.

If your faculty budget has funds that are in danger of returning to consolidated revenue:

  • Renew your SmarterMaths HSC programs early
  • Choose any extension period from 1-3 years
  • Lock in 2022 pricing


Simply reply to this email and we’ll get an invoice out to you.

Y7-10 Numeracy Program update

SmarterMaths Numeracy (Y7-10) online database has doubled

  • Numeracy Online
    – Y7-10 online platform for individual student access from home or at school
    – online database has grown 100% larger in 2022
    – adaptive testing, practice and pre-assessment
    – student report cards available at a click
    – featured NAPLAN assessment zone
Students receive instant feedback after testing and practice
  • Numeracy Teacher Edition
    – utilises our powerful search engine and question database


Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder
ph (02) 8007 3358