Privacy Policy

About this privacy policy

  • M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd which develops and deploys online products branded as SmarterEd (Maths & Sciences) at, SmarterMaths at, and is committed to protecting the safety and security of our registered users (Registrants) and are sensitive to our Registrant’s concerns about the safety of the personal information provided to us. This Privacy Policy describes how any personal information collected by us is used.
  • Registrants must agree to their personal information being used by M2 Mathematics in accordance with this Privacy Policy before they may register.
  • This Privacy Statement has been developed with reference to The Australian Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 and The Australian Privacy Regulation 2013.

What personal information we collect

  • In order to register on one of the SmarterEd websites, each Registrant must give their consent at the time of registration to provide us with their name and their email address. Registrants may in addition, where applicable, be asked for the secondary school with which they are associated.
  • Where schools create student accounts in our systems (ie for SmarterMaths Online registration,) each student is deemed to be a Registrant and the information provided is subject to the same confidentiality and protections as detailed herewith, except in that student name and emails may be pseudonymous or de-identified as per school policies or requirements.
  • Registrants who do not give this consent cannot provide us with their personal information cannot use the Site.
  • We require this information in order to correctly identify each Registrant as a Site user, manage their account and for certain other purposes detailed below.

What we will do with your information

The information collected from Registrants is used for the following purposes:

  • to send a confirmation notice to the Registrant of the registration;
  • upon the Registrant’s request, to reset a password for a lost or forgotten password;
  • to respond to any questions, concerns or problems raised by the Registrant;
  • to contact the Registrant about any problems with the Registrant’s account or conduct on the Site;
  • to send out SmarterEd physical brochures, emails, or other communications about the Site and our services;

In all electronic communications, Registrants may opt out at any time by following the specific opt out instructions within the communications that we send.

What we will not do with your personal information

M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd will keep your personal information confidential and not sell your information to any external third parties, unless:

  • we are required to share your information with a third party in order to comply with law or to comply with a court order or subpoena;
  • to enforce our website or event rules; or
  • to protect the safety and security of our Registrants and our Site.

Generally we will only use your information within M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd. However, sometimes we provide data (typically aggregated) on results to schools or school representatives. We will require these third parties to comply strictly with our instructions and we will require that they do not have access to your personal information and not use the data for commercial purposes.

How we process your information

We ask for Registrants’ consent to the use of any personal information we collect from them in accordance with our Privacy Policy at the time of registration. If a Registrant does not wish to provide us with their consent, they cannot agree to the Site Terms and Conditions and must not use the Site.

Our use of the personal information we collect is necessary in order for us to maintain the Site and facilitate Registrants’ use of the Site. We do not collect any unnecessary personal data from Registrants (for instance, their race or religious beliefs).

How long we hold your information

We will keep any personal information we collect from Registrants for as long as they are registered users of the Site. If a Registrant cancels their registration or it otherwise lapses after 3 years of not using the Site, we will only keep their personal information for the purposes of sending the Registrant information regarding M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd other products and services if they agree to receive this information. Personal information is otherwise deleted or destroyed.

Keeping your personal information secure

M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd is committed to information security. We will use all reasonable endeavours to keep Registrants’ personal information in a secure environment. However, security cannot be guaranteed 100% due to the nature of the internet.

M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd security measures are designed to assist in Registrants’ personal information not being accessed by unauthorised personnel, lost or misused. If you reasonably believe that there has been an unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal information please let us know by contacting us at


A cookie is a small piece of data handed to a web browser from a web server that contains information that can be retrieved from the server later. When you visit the Site the server may attach a cookie to your computer’s memory. To help us better understand you needs and better share content, we use analytical software. This software will save a cookie to your computers hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website but will not store, save or collect personal information. You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information.

Other cookies may be stored to your computers hard drive if this website uses referral programs, sponsored links or adverts – which is extremely rare. Such cookies typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer. No personal information is stored, saved or collected without your consent.

Anonymous information

In addition to personal information and results data, M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd also collects anonymous information about Registrants and the activities of Registrants on the Site. Anonymous information is information that is not linked to the name of a user. This information is used to assist us in enhancing the learning resources and the information remains anonymous at all times.

When agreeing to the Site Terms and Conditions, Registrants grant M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd the right to use this anonymous information for its own purposes, such as the preparation of statistical reports, provided M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd otherwise complies with its obligations in respect of the use of personal information.

We also collect data about your activities that does not personally or directly identify you when you visit our website, the website of entities for which we serve advertisements (our “Advertisers”), or the websites and online services where we display advertisements (“Publishers”). This information may include the content you view, the date and time that you view this content, the products you purchase, or your location information associated with your IP address. We use the information we collect to serve you more relevant advertisements (referred to as “Retargeting”). We collect information about where you saw the ads we serve you and what ads you clicked on.

We use Google Analytics’ 3rd-party audience data such as age, gender and interests to better understanding the behavior of our customers and work with companies that collect information about your online activities to provide advertising targeted to suit your interests and preferences. For example, you may see certain ads on this website or other websites because we contract with Google and other similar companies to target our ads based on information we or they have collected, including information that was collected through automated means (such as cookies and web beacons). These companies also use automated technologies to collect information when you click on our ads, which helps track and manage the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.

Users may opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google’s Ads Settings. Users may opt out of Google Analytics by visiting the Google Analytics Opt-out Page. Users may opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.

Revision of Privacy Policy

M2 Mathematics Pty Ltd reserves the right to change, modify, or revise this Privacy Policy in order to comply with any applicable laws or for any other reason at any time. Therefore our Registrants are required to check the Privacy Policy periodically to read about any changes, modifications, or revisions. Registrants may wish to check it each time they submit personal information. You will be deemed to have consented to such variation by your continued use of the Site following any changes being made.

Transfer of your data

Registrants’ personal information is uploaded to and kept on servers that we maintain or that are maintained by third parties hardware and software hosting services. These services may be located in Australia, Australasia, or the United States of America, and our third parties are vetted via, and must comply with, strict privacy and data security obligations. Registrants must consent for their personal information to be transferred and stored in this manner at the time of registration.  Details are as follows:


Our services rely on the following sub-processors to provide our services:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Organisation: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Contact Information:,

Data Types Disclosed and Purpose:

AWS Lambda: User-generated content, user metadata for SmarterMaths Online. Purpose: Serverless computing platform for running application code.
AWS DynamoDB: User data, application data. Purpose: NoSQL database for storing and retrieving data.
AWS Cognito: User authentication and authorization data. Purpose: User authentication, authorization, and management.
Lawful Basis for Processing: Performance of a contract, legitimate interests.

Countries where data may be processed or stored: Australia (Sydney region).

Data Processing and Storage: All data processed and stored by AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, and AWS Cognito, is handled within the AWS Sydney region data centers located in Australia, ensuring compliance with Australian data protection and privacy laws.

Data Protection and Security: AWS maintains robust data protection and security measures, complying with various security and privacy standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3, as well as the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For more information on AWS’s data privacy and security practices, please refer to: AWS Data Privacy, AWS Security.

For more information on AWS’s data privacy and security practices, please refer to:

WP Engine

Organisation: WP Engine, Inc.
Contact Information:

Data Types Disclosed and Purpose:

WordPress: User-generated content, user metadata for TeacherEdition. Purpose: Hosting and management of WordPress platform.
Cloudflare: Image data. Purpose: Content delivery network (CDN) for image optimization and caching.

Lawful Basis for Processing: Performance of a contract, legitimate interests.

Countries where data may be processed or stored: Australia (Sydney region datacenter).

Data Processing and Storage: All data processed and stored by WP Engine, including WordPress and Cloudflare, is handled within the “australia-southeast1” datacenter located in Sydney, Australia, ensuring compliance with Australian data protection and privacy laws.

Data Protection and Security: WP Engine maintains robust data protection and security measures, complying with various security and privacy standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 2, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For more information on WP Engine’s data privacy and security practices, please refer to: WP Engine Data Privacy, WP Engine Security.

For more information on WP Engine’s data privacy and security practices, please refer to:

Note: We do not use any additional Cloudflare services directly that involve storing or processing any personal data. The CDN does not store or process personal data, but rather only caches and optimizes images and other static content, which are then served from their edge locations.


Organisation: Cloudflare, Inc. Contact Information:

Data Types Disclosed and Purpose: Image and static content data. Purpose: Content delivery network (CDN) for image optimization and caching.

Lawful Basis for Processing: Legitimate interests in optimizing and caching static content.

Countries where data may be processed or stored: Global, with edge locations in multiple countries.

Data Processing and Storage: Cloudflare’s CDN caches and optimizes images and static content, serving them from edge locations around the world. No personal data is stored or processed by Cloudflare.

Data Protection and Security: Cloudflare maintains robust data protection and security measures, complying with various security and privacy standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 2, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For more information on Cloudflare’s data privacy and security practices, please refer to: Cloudflare Data Privacy, Cloudflare Security.

For more information on Cloudflare’s data security practices, please refer to:

Google Analytics

Organisation: Google LLC Contact Information:

Data Types Disclosed and Purpose: Website usage data, including page views, clicks, and user interactions. Purpose: Web analytics and tracking user behavior.

Lawful Basis for Processing: Legitimate interests in understanding user behavior and improving our services.

Countries where data may be processed or stored: United States, with possible transfers to other countries.

Data Processing and Storage: Google Analytics processes and stores data in its data centers located in the United States, with possible transfers to other countries. While Google Analytics is a US-based service, it complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield framework and has certified its compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Data Protection and Security: Google Analytics maintains robust data protection and security measures, complying with various security and privacy standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 2, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). For more information on Google Analytics’ data privacy and security practices, please refer to: Google Analytics Data Privacy, Google Analytics Security.

For more information on Google Analytics’ data privacy practices, please refer to:

Note: As Google Analytics is a US-based service, it is subject to the EU-US Privacy Shield framework, which ensures an adequate level of data protection. Additionally, Google Analytics has certified its compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

School data privacy policy

This school data privacy policy summarises how we may use the professional information supplied by your school. As used in this Policy, the term “professional information” means information that identifies your school. Also, the term “RAP data” will refer to school specific HSC Mathematics examination results as found in the BOSTES Results Analysis Package for your school, and the term “SMART data” will refer to the aggregated school specific NAPLAN Mathematics examination results.

By requesting for RAP data and/or SMART Data to be incorporated into your SmarterEd Teacher Edition ® program, and providing such information, you are consenting to the disclosure of aggregated school information within SmarterEd Teacher Edition ® content produced by your school.

SmarterEd will only use the aggregated RAP data and/or SMART data provided by your school to customize the content produced by your school. No individual student data shall be requested or accessed in any way, at any time.

SmarterEd does not and will not share your professional information with third parties.

To the extent required by applicable law, whenever SmarterEd collects your professional information, it will:

• Process your professional information in a manner consistent with the purpose for which it was originally collected or to which you have subsequently consented;

• Take appropriate measures to provide adequate protection of your professional information.

More Privacy Information

For more information on privacy legislation and guidelines in Australia, please refer to